I get the impresion that this song is more complex than what the average person thinks. To me, its about a conversation and the listener is you. The song is introducing you to a segment of that conversation. Casablancas is saying to someone "in many ways they will miss the good old days." The other person responds by saying "someday, someday." You are involved in the conversation because you are the third person listening. As the conversation unfolds, many truths are revealed with regards to the tragic dinamics of a breakup. There is a lot of honesty expresed in this song and it reflects some hurt feelings. What makes this song so great, is the contrast between the upbeet tones, and the sound of a voice that resonates loss and despair. Its even more interesting because it brings the listener to take an active role in the song. Many surrealist artist have done that in the past. were the painting is unique in its presentation because you are the interpreter. It invokes the feelings you have, the goal of the painter was that you feel a certain way when you see the painting and because you felt those feelings, you are now part of a collective of people who felt the same. This song does something similar, I think it makes you feel/think in a conected way and now we are all part of a collective appreciating the qualities of this piece.