How old is David Stearns? When is David Stearns's birthday? Where is David Stearns born? Where did David Stearns grow up from? What's David Stearns's age?
David Stearns Born: February 18, 1985 (age 38years), Manhattan, New York, United States
Is David Stearns married? When did David Stearns get married? Who's David Stearns's married to? (Who's David Stearns's husband / wife)?
David Stearns Spouse: Whitney Ann Lee
How about David Stearns's education?
David Stearns Education: Harvard University (2007), Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School
Where did David Stearns go?
MILWAUKEE -- David Stearns is stepping away from his role as the Brewers' president of baseball operations, saying Thursday he just needs a break and isn't thinking about taking a job with any other organization. Stearns will remain with the Brewers in an advisory role to owner Mark Attanasio.
What does David Stearns do?
David Stearns - President -- Baseball Operations and General Manager | Milwaukee Brewers.
When was David Stearns hired?
Stearns was hired by Milwaukee on September 21 of 2015. Under his reign, the Brewers appeared in the playoffs four-straight seasons from 2018 through 2021. Some of his best moves were the acquisitions of starting pitcher Freddy Peralta, former MVP Christian Yelich, among others.