Salman Rushdie parents: Negin Bhatt, Anis Ahmed Rushdie

Salman Rushdie, a renowned author, is unable to talk and is currently on a ventilator after being stabbed on Friday(August 12) at a literary event in New York.

In the aftermath of the knife attack, he also had a laceration to his liver and could lose an eye, according to his agent. Following this development, many have trooped on social media to learn more about the 75-year-old Rushdie’s biological father and mother.

Salman Rushdie parents: Negin Bhatt, Anis Ahmed Rushdie

 Salman Rushdie comes from an Islamic background (Muslim). He is the son of Negin Bhatt, a teacher, and Anis Ahmed Rushdie, a lawyer, and businessman with a Cambridge education.

Although Salman Rushdie’s father Anis Ahmed Rushdie’s remarkable son received a nearly opposite response in the United Kingdom, they both share the same passion in their eyes.

In contrast to Sir Salman, who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2007, per a reporter’s investigation revealed that Anis Ahmed Rushdie his father was shamed and almost put on trial in the UK in 1935 after it was discovered that his birth record information had been falsified to enable him to apply for the prestigious Indian Civil Service.

Rushdie Senior was expelled from the ICS for this reason, notwithstanding his protests of innocence and cultural misunderstanding.

Anis Rushdie took the ICS in 1932 and passed it after earning his degree from Cambridge University, just like his son did afterward.

However, for unknown reasons, he was not chosen in 1932. The next year, he returned and finished fourth overall.

His problems started when the British started looking over his records after sending him to England for the standard two-year probationary period.
