Audie Murphy Height, Weight, Age and Body Measurements

Audie Murphy

How tall is Audie Murphy?

Audie Murphy’s height was 5ft 5in (166 cm).

How much did Audie Murphy weight?

He weighted 112 lbs (51 kg).

When was Audie Murphy born?

Audie Murphy’s birthday was on June, 20, 1925

How old was Audie Murphy?

He was 45 at the moment of his death.

When did Audie Murphy die?

He died on May 28, 1971. The reason of death was airplane accident.

Audie Murphy Body Measurements

Dress Size: Unknown

Shoe Size: Unknown

Measurements: Unknown

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Grey

Audie Murphy Height, Weight and Body Measurements

Quick Biography Facts:

Born Name: Audie Leon Murphy

Nick Name: None

Sun Sign: Gemini

Born Place: Kingston, TX, USA

Nationality: USA

Education: Audie Murphy attended the local school in his native city, which he dropped out in the 5th grade.

Occupation: Actor, soldier

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religion: Catholic

Audie Murphy Family:

Father – Emmett Berry Murphy

Mother – Josie Belle Killian

Siblings – He had 11 siblings – sisters Elizabeth, Ariel, Oneta, Verda and Willie; brothers Charles, Vernon, Richard and Eugene. His bother J. W. Murphy was stillborn.

Wife – 1. Wanda Hendrix (1949-1950)

               2. Pamela Archer (1951 – till his death)

Children – 1. Son Terry Michael Murphy (with Pamela Archer)

                      2. Son James Shannon Murphy (with Pamela Archer)

Audie Murphy Height, Weight and Body Measurements

How did Audie Murphy become famous?

Audie Murphy is a unique person, who has made two wonderful careers. He has become a highly decorated soldier during World War II and then made a super successful career of an actor.

So, how could he do it?

Audie Murphy was born in a poor family. His father abandoned his duties and left his mom with 12 children. She worked hard to feed her kids and died in 1941, having ruined her health by hard jobs. Audie wanted to honor his mother’s memory, that’s why he had become a soldier.

But Murphy had no idea that he would become so successful as a military man. He managed to kill 240 German soldiers during the years of war.

Having gained numerous awards as a military man, Aubrey turned into actor.

The actor could boast with more than 30 films, the most successful of which are “Bullet for a Badman”, “The Texican”, “A Time for Dying”.

He tragically died, when the private plane with Audie Murphy and 4 other passengers on board crashed into the mountain because of poor weather conditions.

