Bomma B, a renowned Grime MC, Rapper and musician, died unexpectedly on September 04, 2023. The sudden death was announced on social media. Bomma’s actual age and death are unknown yet. His untimely demise shocked and saddened his family and the music industry.

Famous musician Gemma Fox released his death news on Facebook with a statement:
“I find it hard to accept that I have to write this and that it’s accurate. You have one of the sweetest, realest, kindest, and purest hearts I’ve ever encountered, and I had the pleasure of working with you on our tune Boxers.
I’m devastated, and I pray that the Almighty will protect your children, family, and friends while guiding you. @bommab0121 I swear to keep your name alive.”
Thoughts and condolences to his family and industry, Bomma’s funeral and memorial services have not been disclosed. Many of his friends and fans are also sending condolences through social media.
Bomma Bogle, often known as Bomma B, was born and raised in Birmingham, UK; his real name was John Smith. He got his higher education at Birmingham City University.
Bomma was well known for his exceptional skills in Rap; he is an idol for his fans and admirers. He was one of the most beloved musicians in Rap history,
Bomma B was a multi-talented artist and businessman from Birmingham, United Kingdom. He was well-known in his town for his creativity in music, business, and even dog breeding. As a rapper, singer, and songwriter, Bomma B earned a place for himself in the music industry. He developed a strong internet presence to interact with his fans and found that his art spoke to many listeners.
Some of his famous songs include Ay-Ay-Ay, Bombs About, Moving Fast, Bully Boy, Games Over, I Showa Down, Bombs Still About, Horror Movie Freestyle, Hoods Hottest and Rock Dis; following songs are Bomma’s top hits songs through which Bomma gained attention and popularity from his fans.
With the help of his Instagram account, which he used under the name BommaB0121, he could share his music and life stories with an outstanding following of over 11,000 committed followers. More than 500 thousand streams and more than 130 thousand listeners on Spotify attest to the popularity of Bomma’s music industry.
Bomma was a loving father who valued his duty as a parent to three children, including his second kid, Riqo Bogle, and his artistic endeavours. His conversations and online presence showed how much he cared about and supported his family.
Additionally, he served as a business director at Raw Food Supplies, demonstrating his commitment to his endeavours and entrepreneurial spirit. Moreover, along with his music career, Bomma was involved in charity work; he loves to help people who need shelter and food on a routine basis.
Many of his fans and friends are sending sympathies and condolences on social media; according to his fan’s statement, Bomma is a kind-hearted and honest person and loves everyone he meets. His legacy will always remain in the hearts of his loved ones. Prayers for him. Rest in Peace, Bomma B.
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