The Meaning Behind The Song: (Aun no Beats) by Vivid BAD SQUAD

Title阿吽のビーツ (Aun no Beats)
ArtistVivid BAD SQUAD
Writer/Composer羽生まゐご (Hanyuu Maigo)
Release DateJune 6, 2022
ProducerCrypton Future Media

阿吽のビーツ (Aun no Beats) by Vivid BAD SQUAD is a captivating song that explores the complexities of relationships, self-discovery, and the desire for genuine connection. The lyrics delve into the feeling of longing for love and the struggle to express one’s needs and emotions.

The song opens with the lines “みんなどっか行っちゃったよ 零になっちゃってざまぁないね” (Everyone has gone somewhere, and I’m left behind. It can’t be helped that I’m reduced to zero). These lines express a sense of abandonment, as if the narrator feels left behind or forgotten by those around them. It reflects the feeling of isolation and the desire for validation.

The following lines, “信じてたいから声に出すのはやめた 愛されたいのはどうして? 愛してたいのはどうして? 飾りあって分かち合っていた” (I stopped voicing my beliefs because I want to believe. Why do I want to be loved? Why do I want to love? We were together, sharing pretenses), highlight the internal conflict within the narrator. They question their desire to be loved and express their love, pondering the authenticity of their relationships.

The contrasting perspectives of the narrator and their partner are revealed with the lines “私 曖昧さ故にシンパシー 大胆不敵なセンソリー どんまいどんまい大丈夫 笑わせてあげるから だから与え与えられて 消えないように此処に居なよ そしたら 僕にもお返事くださいね” (I, with my ambiguity, seek sympathy. With bold and fearless sensibilities, it’s alright, I’ll make you smile. So, be here with me, giving and receiving, so that I won’t disappear. Then, please respond to me too).

These lines depict the narrator’s struggle to maintain a balance between their own desires for love and validation while also meeting the expectations and needs of their partner. The plea for a response indicates the longing for reciprocation and a deeper emotional connection.

The chorus, sung passionately, “貴方に捧げた心臓 いつか返して 優しくしてね 本当は戻りたいんだ 今からでいいから” (I dedicated my heart to you, please return it someday, be gentle. Truthfully, I want to go back, even starting from now), encapsulates the essence of the song. It encapsulates the longing for a love that may have been lost or faded over time and the desire for a fresh start.

Personally, this song resonates deeply with me. The lyrics speak to the universal human experience of longing for love, belonging, and authentic connections. Like the narrator, I have also experienced moments of doubt, confusion, and the longing for reciprocity in relationships.

There is an undeniable vulnerability in the lyrics of “阿吽のビーツ (Aun no Beats).” It encourages listeners to reflect on their own experiences and emotions, inviting them to explore their own desires for love and connection. The song’s emotive melody and the passionate performances by Vivid BAD SQUAD contribute to the overall impact of the song.

Overall, “阿吽のビーツ (Aun no Beats)” by Vivid BAD SQUAD is a beautiful and introspective song that explores the complexities of human emotions and the desire for genuine connections. Through heartfelt lyrics and a captivating melody, the song speaks to the universal longing for love and the struggles faced in expressing one’s emotions. It is a song that will undoubtedly resonate with many listeners and leave a lasting impact.
