Do I need a longer bar for my nipple piercing?

The extra length of the barbell allows for discharge and swelling. If the piercing becomes painful and the balls at the end of the barbell look like they are “dimpling” this is a strong indication that you need a longer barbell immediately.Click to see full answer. Similarly one may ask, how do I know if my nipple piercing bar is too short?A good sign that your nipple ring is too small is if it wants to stick straight out instead of lying flat against the body. Rings that are too tight will increase the stress on the piercing leading to migration, rejection, prolonged healing, and scarring.Furthermore, can your nipples be too small for piercing? Piercing an inverted nipple can actually cause it to become pushed out, while flat nipples will become slightly more raised. Small nipples are a breeze; he just opts for a smaller barbell. If you wouldn’t feel comfortable drinking the water, don’t let it touch your nipple until it’s healed. Considering this, how long should barbell be for nipple piercings? Real nipple piercings have a bar length between 12 and 19 mm, with 16 being the most used. Depending on the thickness of your own nipple you have to choose the size. It’s not unusual to have a size that is a bit to long for your nipple piercing, too small isn’t possible of course.What size nipple bar should I get?There is two main barbell gauge sizes for nipple piercing : 1,2mm(16G) and 1,6mm(14G) (barbell diameter). 1,2mm(16G) is the standard and most common nipple piercing gauge size. It’s also the size that is generally used as first piercing jewel during healing.
