If you rapidly scroll your mouse back and forth over the box, you will be able to read the message formed by all of the letters, which says “Click the ‘V’ in lives”. So click on the letter V in the word “Lives” at the bottom left corner of the screen in order to proceed.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, can you beat the impossible quiz?It is impossible to beat the game unless you have all seven “Skips” unused on question 110 (the last question). Write down the code in question 50. Write these numbers down, and be prepared to type them in on question 108.One may also ask, what is the answer to 31 on impossible quiz? He will always say “Woof” three times, every time you get to this question. The answer is then “Woof. Woof. Woof”. Herein, how do you beat level 25 on the impossible quiz? Question 25 (The Impossible Quiz) Question 25 of The Impossible Quiz says “How do you kill a werewolf?”, and the possible answers say “Shoe polish”, “Gravy granules”, “Black pudding”, and “Cillit Bang”. The answer to this question is “shoe polish”.What are the main ingredients in shampoo impossible quiz?The answer is “Babycham and human faeces” because the “cham” in “Babycham” sounds like “sham”, and “faeces” is a synonym for “poo”. Put them together, and you’ve got the word “shampoo”.