Where Is kidnapping survivor “Breea Renee” Now?
Michelle Renee and her daughter Breaa, who was seven years old at the time, had their lives turned upside down on November 21, 2000, when they were held hostage in their own house for a period of fourteen hours.
Breaa was terrified throughout the ordeal. According to “48 Hours: The Kidnapping of Michelle and Breea Renee,” the fact is that three masked guys had come in on that tragic night because they wanted the former to rob a bank for them.
This information was presented in the program. However, for the time being, if all you want to do is find out more information about the latter, with a special emphasis on the child’s previous experiences as well as her current standing, we have all the relevant information that you require here for you.

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Breea Renee: Who Is She?
- In spite of the fact that Breea Renee’s life has never been straightforward or easy, regardless of the perspective from which you choose to examine it, the fact that she has been able to keep her composure is in large part due to the support she has had from her mother.
- It all started when she was only six months old, when her father left their small family. Then, when she was 7, she was a victim of a horrendously violent house invasion, and she was kidnapped.
- We refer to the incident as violent since the three guys had previously used weapons to subdue the mother and daughter before strapping “dynamite” (made from the handles of broomsticks) to their bodies.
- Because of this, one of the first things that Breea stated when she was going through this hardship was, “Are you going to kill my mommy? Are you going to murder me?,” Michelle said, prompting her to take precautions to guarantee that neither of them would come to any significant damage.
- Therefore, the grandmother carried out each and every instruction given to her by the perpetrators before returning home, where she discovered her daughter locked within a closet (albeit safely), and immediately contacted the authorities.
- It is also very important to point out that their extraordinarily tight friendship is the reason why most law enforcement officers did not even give the bogus charge that Michelle was the mastermind behind the crime a second of their time to consider it.

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Breea Renee: Where Is She Now?
- Breea always gave the impression that she was doing OK, despite the fact that she was required to participate in cognitive and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) therapy for a total of two and a half years after the event in question was resolved.
- Because of this, it should not come as a surprise that she worked on her problems in a somewhat secret manner in order to gradually continue making progress and develop a good, independent life by the time she enrolled in a high school in the area.
- On the other hand, everything changed on December 8, 2011, after the 18-year-old cheerleader woke up feeling blue. By 6 o’clock that evening, she was blind, paralyzed on her left side, unable to speak or swallow, and had lost all of her vision.
- After that, Breea was transported to the Scripps Encinitas hospital, where physicians first ruled out the possibility of stroke, lupus, and Lyme disease before conclusively diagnosing her with tumefactive multiple sclerosis.
- Breea has been living with this condition ever since (MS). She lost her father to an epidemic of drug and alcohol misuse in that same year, and yet she still managed to move forward in every sense of the word, despite the fact that this was yet another blow to her already battered psyche.
- She eventually succeeded in all of her endeavors, be they regular attendance at her physical therapy/rehabilitation sessions or the pursuit of a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Diego State University in California.
- In regard to Breea’s current whereabouts, despite the fact that she majored in both psychology and child development in college, it would appear that the local of San Diego is currently working in some capacity within the business world.
- According to what we have gathered, the nearly 30-year-old woman currently works as an Executive Assistant for VERB Media Group, whose CEO and Lead Videographer happens to be none other than the woman’s own mother, Michelle Renne.
- She also continues to be an avid traveler, the USA World MS Day Ambassador, and an advocate for others who suffer from autoimmune disorders, despite the fact that she occasionally still has difficulty regaining entire movement on her left side.
- The most significant development in her life, however, has to be the fact that she just (January 2023) became engaged to her long-term lover, Steven Gremillion, whom she had initially met on Tinder in the year 2020.
- After being forced to rob a bank to prevent her child from being kidnapped with dynamite, the mother speaks out about her experience.1

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Breea Renee: Mother
A woman who was kidnapped along with her daughter and forced to rob the bank that she managed after the captors strapped fake dynamite to her and her daughter’s body is now speaking out about how she assisted law enforcement officials in solving the case.
After three men in masks broke into their home in San Diego County, California, in November of 2000, Michelle Renee, her daughter Breea, who was seven years old at the time, and a roommate were held hostage for a period of fourteen hours.
During the harrowing robbery, the suspects revealed to Ms. Renee that they had been casing a Bank of America branch in Vista, which she managed, for a number of months prior to attacking her residence.
View this post on InstagramThey threatened to detonate the explosives if she did not agree with their demands, and they coerced her into removing $360,000 from the vault of the bank.2
“It was very much that mind control thing that they were doing, that, ‘we know everything about you,'” Ms. Renee revealed to CBS’s 48 Hours in an episode that was shown on Saturday night. “We know everything about you,” the statement read.
Ms. Renee stated that after handing over the money, she rushed home, where she discovered Breea hiding in a closet, where she had been since the previous evening.
After inspecting the explosive device, the bomb team of the police department determined that it was a hoax.
Ms. Renee mentioned to 48 Hours that she had recognized one of the kidnappers’ eyes following the man’s ruse as a client at the bank when he was staking out the location.