The television programme “Dateline: House of Horrors” on NBC News investigates the series of tragic events that resulted in the deaths of Nichole Payne and her adolescent son, Austin Pages, in December 2007. The crime scene first gave the appearance of a murder-suicide, but the authorities were soon able to determine that it had been arranged by Jason Payne, who was Nichole’s husband. Later on, additional suspicion was raised as a result of the discussions he had with his mother, Jewel “Faye” Payne, while he was incarcerated. Here is what we know about Jewel, in case you are interested in learning more about her and how she was engaged in the incident.
Who is the singer known as Jewel “Faye” Payne?
On the 11th of December, 2007, Jason reportedly found Nichole dead from a gunshot wound and called 911 to report his discovery. Both she and Austin were found dead in the garage, with Austin having died from a gunshot wound. She had been shot in the back of the head. An huge life insurance policy turned out to be Jason’s motivation for killing Nichole, as the investigation uncovered. As a result of circumstantial evidence pointing in that direction, the law enforcement officials came to the conclusion that he had staged the scene after killing Nichole and Austin.
During the time that Jason was detained in jail, he was permitted to phone his mother, Jewel, and their conversations were monitored and recorded. During one of their conversations, Jason posed a question to his mother, inquiring as to whether or not she kept a pair of the identical item in the drawer of her nightstand. He was careful with his word choice and instructed her to search for things made of hard plastic and then destroy them. Jewel remarked, “I’ve got the film of you all performing in Nacogdoches” (Texas). Both of you, Nichole”
After that, Jason communicated with his mother, saying, “You had three tapes. There was one of Nichole and I together, and then there were two that were completely unrelated to anything. After Jewel informed him that she had the tapes hidden away in the closet, he requested that she destroy them by ripping them to pieces and setting fire to them. Later on in the episode, Jewel admitted that she had lied to her son about where the tapes were and that she had never discovered them. She said that she was unaware of what was on them and expressed regret that she had not questioned her son further about the matter at the time.

Where can I find Jewel “Faye” Payne at this time?
Jewel was taken into custody in October 2016 in connection with the same case as Jason, who was already serving a life term for the double murders he committed. She was accused of attempting to tamper with the testimony of a witness. The police were informed by Jewel’s niece that at one occasion, Jewel expressed interest in meeting up with her, and she agreed to accompany her on a car ride. Their chat was captured on the niece’s recording device. In it, Jewel discussed finding someone to make a threat against an emergency medical technician who had visited the scene of the crime committed by Nichole and Austin and who later testified in court.
Jewel desired for the EMT to be threatened in order to withdraw what she had previously stated. In addition to this, she instructed the niece to find out from the EMT whether or not they had “a child or someone you could threaten to hurt.” Not only that, but there were also phone calls between Jason and Jewel in which they discussed seeing the niece. Not only that, but there were also phone calls. Reportedly entering a guilty plea to the charge of witness tampering in October 2017, Jewel was scheduled to get 10 years of probation in addition to five hundred hours of community service for her actions. Since then, Jewel, who is now in her late seventies or early eighties, has avoided the public eye. It appears that she makes her home in Logansport, Louisiana, but beyond that, there is not a lot of information available about what she is doing right now.
The Jason Payne Wiki
In Quitman, Texas, Jason Payne, 35, and his wife Nichole, 35, together with their two young children and Nichole’s adolescent son from a previous relationship, Austin Taylor Wages, were all residing together. In 2007. According to the documents that were found in the court case, Jason Payne placed a call to 911 on the morning of December 11, 2007, and informed the operators that both his wife and stepson had been shot.
Nichole Payne’s body was found by officers who responded to the scene, and it was located in a bedroom located below. According to testimony that was produced at trial, she was lying in bed and her body was warm to the touch. Lieutenant Miles Tucker of the Wood County Sheriff’s Office reported that she “had substantial trauma to the back of her head.”
The body of Wages was afterwards discovered by the police in the garage, and they stated that he had been shot in the face, “on the mouth, kind of to the side.”

Nichole Payne Murder
Payne is the one who called 911 and requested assistance for his wife and stepson who had been shot, and the initial signs at the scene showed that the two may have been killed in a murder-suicide situation. Payne is the one who called 911 and requested assistance for his wife and stepson who had been shot. However, an emergency medical technician stated that Payne’s body was still warm when she arrived, however Wages’ body was “cold and stiff” and he had lividity when she arrived. Wages’ body appeared to have been killed before his mother because of these characteristics.
According to the court documents, when authorities questioned Jason Payne on the afternoon of the two deaths, he stated that he was getting ready to take his two young children to school and that Wages was upset about not being allowed to own a cellphone. Payne also stated that he was getting ready to take his two young children to school.
Payne stated that he waited with his two children in the truck, but Wages did not come out of the house, so Payne departed to send his son to school. Payne said that he waited with his two children in the truck. Jason Payne told the investigators that after dropping off his son, he returned to the house with his daughter, and shortly after that, he stated he discovered the body of his wife inside the house.
During that interview, Payne also mentioned to the investigators that Wages had a positive relationship with his mother despite his tendency to be more introverted. When questioned if he had shot his wife and Wages, Payne responded, “You’ve got to be out of your mind to believe that I would have anything to do with this. He said he didn’t know if his stepson had committed suicide or not, but he said he didn’t know if his stepson had committed suicide or not. The evidence presented in court shows that “No, no, I had nothing to do with it.”
Charges Laid Against Jason Payne
It wasn’t until eight months after the deaths of Nichole Payne and her son that authorities arrested Jason Payne and charged him with their murders. They stated that they wanted to gather all of the appropriate evidence, which included finding two large holes on the Paynes property that looked like graves, as reported by KLTV at the time of his arrest.
According to the documents that were shown in court during Payne’s trial, the court was informed that when Payne was in jail, he called his mother and asked her to destroy two recordings that she had been keeping for him in her nightstand. This conversation took place over the phone.
At the trial, the primary issue of contention was not whether Nichole Payne had been murdered; rather, the focus was on whether Wages had also been murdered or whether he had committed suicide. The answer to this question would indicate whether the deaths of the two people in question were a double homicide or a murder-suicide.
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Identified as a Guilty Party
However, based on the evidence that was presented, the jury came to the conclusion that Payne was responsible for both murders. Furthermore, according to a ruling that was handed down by the Texas Court of Appeals, “the testimony of the State’s experts, combined with the evidence regarding Adam’s behaviour just prior to the incident, led to the jury’s determination that Adam did not commit suicide.” Regarding this matter, we are obligated to defer to the verdict reached by the jury.