Cristina Restrepo obituary: Cause of death linked to car accident

Cristina Restrepo’s obituary has been shared online after it emerged that the cause of death is linked to a car accident. She sadly died after her car collided with a truck shortly after dropping her son off at his father’s place.

It has been determined she is the one who died after a box truck struck her car on Highway 169 in Plymouth, Minnesota. About two hours after the collision, Cristina Restrepo passed away at North Memorial Medical Center from blunt force trauma, according to the Hennepin County Medical Examiner.

Cristina Restrepo obituary: Cause of death linked to car accident

Cristina Restrepo’s tragic accident occurred after 5 o’clock, when a Ford box truck and another car collided, trapping Restrepo’s Nissan between them.

According to troopers, a previous collision caused a stop on Highway 169 southbound just north of Highway 55. Restrepo was forced into the third car after the box truck rear-ended the Nissan as it slowed down for traffic.

The box truck strikes the automobile without seeming to slow down in the video captured by the traffic camera. The cause of the crash has not been disclosed by the troopers.

The box truck driver had not been charged with a crime as of Tuesday, and they had not been taken to the Hennepin County Jail as a result of the event. Alcohol was not a contributing factor in the crash, according to the Minnesota State Patrol’s incident report.

The obituary for Cristina Restrepo has emerged on social media as friends and family members mourn her. Her friend Kelly Carlson Donaldson shared on Facebook saying;

“The most horrible, unthinkable thing happened to my best friend Sunday evening after dropping her son off at his Dads. Please please please help her son and give whatever you can. I lost my best friend and sister’s wife and my heart is broken. Sending all the love to the Cristina Restrepo family and let’s light this GoFund me up!!”
