Temika Harden wants metro Atlanta club owners to be more careful about who they hire as security guards, Channel 2 Action News reported.
Harden's 19-year-old son Domiquo Riley was killed in a shootout outside of a Norcross nightclub early Oct. 1. More than 80 shots were fired from multiple guns, according to Gwinnett County police. Security guard Christopher Parker was charged with felony murder, aggravated assault and felon in possession of a firearm in connection with Riley's death and the shootout.
Parker is legally barred from carrying a gun because he is a convicted felon. He is being held at the Gwinnett County Detention Center without bond.
“You need to make sure you learn something from this and get proper security,” Harden said Tuesday at a press conference at the office of her attorney, Eugene Felton.
As the Gwinnett County Police Department expects more arrests to come in connection with the shooting at Midnight Blu Cafe, Harden and Felton are exploring “several [legal] remedies” from “people who were involved in any way,” including negligent hiring, Felton said.
Police are still hoping to speak to witnesses to the shootout, Channel 2 reported. When gunfire began, many people fled the scene; they may have information that police could find useful.
“If you know someone had a part in taking a life, you owe it to [Harden] to come forward and just tell the truth,” Felton said.