However, more often than not I find myself in one of these lies. When there's nowt between me and the green it's fine I get the 7 iron out and bump and run it swapping vagaries of dodgy bounces for a good connection. But if I need to get over something and try and stop it...
Any pointers?
real good ways to approach hardpan/real tight lies - assuming you have to play it by giving it some air/height with some spin if you got less room to work with, more carry less green to avoid real bare hard uneven ground (assuming not gur)
maybes a little ways more advanced technique - so as with all these kinda shots you gotta practice (how do you practice hardpan buy a good square of 3 ply to hit off of)
counter-intuitive to lot of folks but a medium bounce wedge, sand wedge is your friend here, you set up to use the bounce some
as with all chips/pitches the chest shoulders are your engine with relatively quiet hands/wrist (you can still get a bunch of height) feel the arms body turn more as one, important thing is the lead shoulder has to keep turning aways from the chin & the chest turns to target feel as you go through impact the butt end of the handle points to your center (so opposite your navel or belt buckle) you don't want hands well ahead dragging the handle a good ways ahead of the face here, hands are only just ahead through contact
difference is in set up, don't open the face up, leading edge square to target with the real key being standing an inch or so nearer to the ball so the shaft is little ways more upright/vertical in plane
notice when you set up this ways how it puts the sole/bounce a bunch squarer/level/horizontal to the ground so the toe isn't up in the air any (get the motion right the toe won't dig in neither will the leading edge)
as well as doing this to the bounce standing closer will also give you just a tad more natural steepness in both the takeback & approach angle without any extra wrist manipulation or making the AoA a way too steep, although normal chips you what the arc a little shallow, being too shallow off hardpan will tend to encourage both thins & fats
notice how the whole of the bottom of the bounce is on the ground with the leading edge just up a ways off the ground some - maybes looks a ways scary re thins - but through the whole motion keep the weight on the lead leg don't transfer any trailside during the backswing
keep head steady & level
& lead shoulder gotta keep moving & then you won't skull it or fat it - once you get the motion down in practice some, sure you maybes will first off but it's not real difficult as maybes it sounds but you gotta give it some practice
ball position is around center - inch or so closer to the ball so shaft is more upright/vertical to get that bounce level/horizontal on the ground (good way to chip or pitch from real tight grass too -say links or similar)
hands are just opposite front of the ball so no big forwards leaning shaft as that would put the leading edge back to close to the ground so run the risk of leading edge snagging some