Ivana Milicevic and Paddy Hogan

Ivana Milicevic and Paddy Hogan


Ivana Milicevic and Paddy Hogan  


Paddy Hogan and Ivana Milicevic have been married for 4 years.

They have a son named Phoenix Jedi age 5.


Ivana Milicevic is a 49 year old Croatian Actress. Born Ivana Miličević on 26th April, 1974 in Sarajevo, SR Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, she is famous for Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tv series), Bond girl in Casino Royale in a career that spans 1995–present. Her zodiac sign is Taurus.


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Relationship Statistics

Married29th Dec 2018 - present4 years, 12 months
Total2016 -present7 years, 11 months
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