Originally published on ProWrestlingSheet.
Former WWE Superstar Adam Rose has been in the news since April for a suspension, arrest and subsequent release ... now he's talking for the first time about all of it with The Sheet.
Pro Wrestling Sheet Editor-in-Chief Ryan Satin spoke via e-mail with Adam -- now known as Aldo Rose -- and the ex-Social Outcast was completely open during their conversation.
What prompted his request for a release from WWE:
"It was a mutual thing. Honestly, I had just hit too many problems back to back. My mistakes or not, guilty or not? It was starting to look really bad. It was just the best choice for everyone involved and the WWE and I knew that.
Adam Rose never quite took off in the WWE! Is it the company's fault, or my fault? Probably a bit of both. The character Adam Rose that debuted on NXT was not the same character that the WWE Universe got. Honestly, I am happy to leave. It was time. I wanted to be home more. My boys and my wife needed me. My poor wife had been carrying the load the whole time while I was off living my dream. It was not right or fair to her or my boys."
If anyone in WWE ever reached out after he tweeted the doctor's note:
"I never heard one single word from anyone. But I knew what I was doing when I released that doctors note, I knew the the likely outcome and implications and accepted them! I think the Wellness Policy is a great thing and absolutely needed. Just take a look at the mortality rate of pro wrestlers of the past, I totally get it. WWE has done an amazing job of making sure that doesn't ever happen again. But I think in some cases, my case included, they jumped the gun for whatever reason."
Growing up with ADHD and how using prescribed Adderall changed his life:
"I have always had ADHD. That's why I was a high school drop out. Could never study, read a book or do anything that required any sort of attention span for any period of time. It made life hard. School was impossible and it even affected personal relationships.
Back then my mom remembers there only being Ritalin in South Africa and she was scared to put me on it. I wish she had! I may have finished school! To me, Adderall was a life changer and wonder drug. I could finally read a book!!! I did not like certain things about the drug, but it helped me actually slow down and focus. Seeing as though it's already public knowledge ... I think I can safely say yes, WWE knew, and knew for almost a year."
Comments on recent arrest:
"As for my arrest, well that was a complete nightmare! It's all being cleared up now, but the damage to our lives is permanent. My wife was like 'what the hell is going on' when it happened. I don't exactly even know why it happened ... even now. I think law enforcement, who I have the utmost respect for, may have acted too quickly.
They never knew the full story and made some assumptions that will now scar my family's history forever. My wife is my world and my rock. I don't deserve her in anyway. As a man, I am willing to say and admit she is the toughest and strongest person I know. I am proud of her! Proud to be her husband! Proud to have her raise my boys."
Plans for the future:
"As of right now, I plan to work as much as I can. I never got a chance coming from South Africa to work the indies, so this is all very exciting for me. I love the fact that I now control Aldo Rose. I can control who he is, what he is and where he goes.
Let's just say this, the PG is finally out of the party! We do it my way now! Adam Rose is dead, the Rosebuds are dead ... but what's next is going to be much better and much, much more ... me.
It's gonna be worth the ride!!"
Stay tuned for updates.