Lauryn Suarez AKA Archeia Aurora is the subject of HBO’s new documentary Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God. Two years after the passing of its founder, Mother God, a new HBO documentary delves into the legacy of the group Love Has Won, which some of its former adherents have referred to as a cult. In the show, Amy Carlson’s guru ascent is chronicled.
The group promoted alternative medical practices as well as ideologies that were close to QAnon and New Age. Police found Carlson’s mummified remains in April 2021 after he had lived with a smaller group of followers in Colorado, Hawaii, and Oregon for years and led followers online. For weeks, her supporters had maintained a watch over it.
Lauryn and her fellow member Ashley Peluso aka Hope along with eight other members and most of the 40-50 online followers formed a faction named Mother Earth’s Crystal Schools. They’re also connected to 5D Full Disclosure and New Earth Healing Essential.
Learn more about that in this article below.
Where Is Lauryn Suarez aka Aurora From Love Has Won Today?
Lauryn Suarez aka Aurora since the dissolution of the Love Has Won cult separated from many of the other followers to form 5D Full Disclosure, which espouses many of the same teachings as Love Has Won along with Ashley Peluso aka Hope. In a similar vein, they sell merchandise to further their cause and provide online sessions, podcasts, and YouTube shows.
Aurora defended the group and its leader while she and her livestream co-host Hope spoke with Vice. She added, “Mom was just in full consciousness from her whole life. She earned where she is at consciously. And that’s really why she just is the example because we are not at that consciousness level, nowhere near.”
Aurora clarifies her belief that former President Trump was Carlson’s father, “‘Mom was incarnated and Donald Trump, when in that lifetime, was her father.” Amy also convinced her devotees that she speaks to the late actor Robin Williams and can rid people of cancer by talking to them on the phone.
“The beings who have had the most healing and have been cured by Mom are the ones that had no fear and no doubt and they were in surrender,” Aurora told Vice.
Love Has Won was a helpful online resource for anyone looking to solidify their beliefs about the superiority of alternative healing, the immorality of mainstream media and medicine, or Trump’s covert role as society’s moral savior. It offers these services through its websites, Facebook, YouTube, Telegram pages, and one-on-one paid video sessions. Love Has Won can be thought of as the hub of a Venn diagram that connects darker conspiracy ideas with interests in spirituality and wellness.
The livestreams appear to be spontaneous, although Love Has Won’s website material tends to be more measured, delving deeply into the conspiracy realm. Hosts frequently speculate that the Holocaust, 9/11, and the Sandy Hook murder were all false and that the COVID-19 outbreak was orchestrated.
In an anti-semitic soliloquy, Archeia Hope claimed in a livestream Love Has Won that was aired on March 14, 2021, that the information society has been taught about the Holocaust and the Nazis is “sus,” as in suspicious.
“Hitler’s intention was to serve the light,” Aurora added. “[Jews] wanted everyone else to do the work and they would take the money…. The idea behind the concentration camps was to teach them to work.”
While the hosts alternate, Lauryn and Ashley are the ones who start the broadcasts most frequently. As a sort of spokesmodel for Love Has Won, they use their youth, college degrees, and Instagram-influencer good looks to disseminate the group’s damaging and hateful doctrines, which include the idea that homosexuality is immoral.
However, even before they met Mother God, both had an interest in conspiracies, despite their girl-next-door attitudes. When Lauryn was 19, she “woke up,” or “started to realize things aren’t what they seem,” she revealed to Marie Claire.
“From the time I was a child, and I’m sure my parents would agree, I questioned everything,” Lauryn added. “The answer I received was, ‘That’s just the way things are.’ But that’s not true, there’s a reason we are here.” She totally engaged herself in internet conspiracies between 2012 and 2016.
“I knew back in 2012 about the war of the cabal,” Lauryn added. Between 2012 and 2016, she immersed herself in online conspiracies.
“I knew back in 2012 about the war of the cabal,” Lauryn added.
Lauryn had the impression that something was missing during this period, and she would know what it was when she discovered it. According to Lauryn, Carlson Stroud proved to be the solution. She felt her spirit sing as she heard her speak.
Lauryn arrived in Love Has Won in 2018.
Lauryn Suarez Age
As of November 2023, Lauryn Suarez is 33 years old. She was born in 1990.
Lauryn Suarez Job
Lauryn was formerly a lawyer from Florida. She however had her admission revoked per the court order that the Supreme Court of Florida had decided to revoke Suarez’s admission to the bar on November 15, 2019. She was also disqualified from reapplying for admission for a period of three years from February 4, 2019, the date of the Board’s findings.
Lauryn has been named as an officer in an organization called New Earth Healing Essentials, LLC d/b/a 5D Full Disclosure. FDA sent a letter to Lauryn and Ashley back in February 2022 regarding the products that they have been selling on their website https://www.5dfulldisclosure.org/ and https://newearthhealingessentials.ecwid.com/.
They take orders for “Plasma Colloidal Silver Eyedrops,” “Gaia’s Organic Nasal Spray,” “Copper Healing Roller,” “Plasma Copper Elixer,” “Plasma Gold Elixer,” “Plasma Gold & Silver Elixer Package,” and “Plasma Silver Elixer.”
The claims on their website and social media website establish that your “Plasma Colloidal Silver Eyedrops,” “Gaia’s Organic Nasal Spray,” “Copper Healing Roller,” “Plasma Copper Elixer,” “Plasma Gold Elixer,” “Plasma Gold & Silver Elixer Package,” and “Plasma Silver Elixer” products are unapproved new drugs sold in violated sections 505(a) and 301(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act), 21 U.S.C. 355(a) and 331(d).
FDA has also determined that their “Plasma Colloidal Silver Eyedrops” and “Copper Healing Roller” products are unapproved new animal drugs that are unsafe.
Is Lauryn Suarez Married?
The marital status of Lauryn Suarez is unclear at the time of publishment of this article.
Related FAQs
Is Lauryn Suarez On Instagram?
Yes, Lauryn Suarez is on Instagram (@la_suarez) but the profile is private.
Where Is Lauryn Suarez From?
Lauryn Suarez hailed from Coral Springs, Florida.
When Is Lauryn Suarez Birthday?
No, Lauryn Suarez’s birthday is not available.