Yes, mobs in Minecraft realms will despawn when you leave the realm. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.
Question 1: In normal servers, when you disconnect, are you removed from the world, preventing mobs from attacking you?
Yes, when you disconnect from a normal server, you are removed from the world, which prevents mobs from attacking you. However, the mobs will still remain in the world unless they are removed due to inactivity or the chunk gets unloaded.
Question 2: What happens if no one is on the server?
If no one is on the server, nothing will happen. Mobs will continue to exist in the world until they are removed due to inactivity or the chunk gets unloaded.
Question 3: How do you keep mobs from Despawning?
Naming mobs with a name tag prevents them from despawning. This means that if you name a mob, it will remain in the world even if you leave the realm.
Question 4: Will the warden Despawn if you leave?
The warden is a powerful mob in Minecraft and it will not despawn if you leave the realm. It will only despawn after 60 seconds of being “calm,” meaning it does not detect any vibrations or sniff any mobs.
Question 5: Will tamed mobs Despawn?
Tamed parrots, cats, and dogs will not despawn. However, if parrots, wolves, and ocelots are not tamed, they will despawn. There is a chance that other mobs, such as slimes and foxes, may not despawn if they are trapped, but this is not guaranteed.
Question 6: Do boats stop mobs from Despawning?
Mobs riding in boats do not despawn, but they can still be attacked by hostile mobs. Additionally, mobs riding in boats do not count toward the mob cap.
Question 7: Can 2 wardens spawn at once?
No, at any given time, only one warden can spawn in Minecraft. The next warden will either spawn after the previous warden dies or dig back into the ground.
Question 8: Can the Warden sniff you?
Yes, the Warden can detect vibrations and sniff mobs within a certain range. If you make a sound or are near other mobs, the Warden will be able to detect your presence.
Question 9: Will mobs Despawn if they are named?
No, mobs that are named with a name tag will not despawn in the world. This means that if you name a mob, it will remain in the world even if you leave the realm.
Question 10: Do fences prevent mobs from Despawning?
No, fences do not prevent mobs from despawning. However, you can build an enclosure such as a barn, house, or fenced area to trap and breed mobs. As long as the mobs are kept from moving over 20 blocks in any direction, they will not despawn.
Question 11: What makes mobs Despawn?
Monsters have a small chance of despawning if they are over 32 blocks away for longer than 30 seconds. Additionally, monsters will automatically despawn if they are 128 blocks away from all active players.
Question 12: Does canceling a realm delete the world?
If you cancel your realm subscription, you will no longer have access to your realm’s packs or cloud storage. However, your world will be permanently deleted from Minecraft: Bedrock Edition servers if your subscription has been inactive for more than 18 months.
Question 13: Do you lose your stuff if you leave a realm?
If you leave a realm, you will no longer have access to your realm’s packs or cloud storage. However, you can still purchase the skins, worlds, and texture packs you used in Realms Plus from the Minecraft store.
Question 14: How long can you be idle in Minecraft realms?
Most servers have a system in place to kick players off the server after being idle for too long, typically around 15 minutes or more. However, some players create “AFK Pools” to prevent being kicked off by the system. These pools allow players to remain idle without being kicked off the server.
Question 15: How long is the Warden’s cooldown?
The Warden has a 2-second cooldown between detecting vibrations. It is aware of all targetable entities within a certain range. If the Warden has a targetable entity, it will pathfind towards the closest one, prioritizing players over mobs.
Question 16: How do I not alert the Warden?
To avoid alerting the Warden, you can sneak around instead of running or walking. Additionally, you can place wool around Sculk Sensors to block the vibrations and avoid detection.
Question 17: How do you stop the Warden from smelling you?
Setting the anger of the player to 0 can prevent the Warden from targeting the player.
Question 18: Can you make the Warden friendly?
No, the Warden cannot be made friendly in the game. It is a hostile mob that cannot be tamed or controlled.
Question 19: What is the weakness of the Warden in Minecraft?
The Warden’s weakness is its blindness and its limited range. It can only spawn deep down in the world and it relies on vibrations and sound to detect players and other mobs. If players can avoid making sounds and stay out of its detection range, they can escape from the Warden.
Question 20: Do pets Despawn in Minecraft?
No, pets in Minecraft, such as tamed wolves and cats, will not despawn. Once a mob is tamed, it will remain in the world even if you leave the realm.
Question 21: Will a creeper in a boat Despawn?
No, mobs riding in boats do not despawn and will remain in the world. However, when the boat is underwater, all passengers in it will be expelled.
Question 22: Do name tags prevent Despawn?
Yes, mobs that are named with a name tag will not despawn in the world. This includes both friendly and hostile mobs. However, if the difficulty is set to “Peaceful,” any hostile mobs or named hostile mobs will despawn immediately.