Where is Kandi Hall Now in 2022? Lets Explore!

Where is Kandi hall now in 2022: The documentary “Till Death Us Do Part: Three Pops and a Pause,” which aired on Investigation Discovery, followed the unraveling of two marriages that ended in adultery and gun violence. Rob Hall fatally shot Emmett Corrigan in the Meridian, Idaho, pharmacy parking lot.

The married Emmett was having an affair with Rob’s wife, Kandi Hall. She testified at Rob’s trial as the lone eyewitness to the altercation between the two. If you’ve been wondering what’s become of her since then, here it is!

Who is Kandi Hall?

Kandi and Rob Hall were married for over a decade and had two adolescents when the tragedy occurred. The family moved from California to Meridian. Rob was a local sheriff’s office IT specialist. Kandi lost her law firm job in September. Emmett employed Sarah as a law company paralegal after meeting through a mutual acquaintance.

Rob and Kandi’s marriage was rocky. She told others Rob was abusive and had an affair. Rob bruised Kandi, according to her coworker. Kandi had an affair with Emmett after a few weeks. She considered divorcing Rob. Emmett and Kandi consulted a lawyer on the day of the incident. Rob was packing when Kandi arrived home from work on March 11, 2011.

Kandi then went to the pharmacy, where she saw Emmett and confessed to having sex with him in his car. Kandi denied cheating on Emmett in her first police interview. Kandi testified at Rob’s trial. She testified that Emmett got angrier during their fight with Rob. “I got caught,” she said. No escape. What should I say? Losing my job, Emmett or my spouse wasn’t an option.

Kandi’s latest statements contradicted her police statements. The judge stated, “Frankly, any testimony by Ms. Hall, in my 31 years on the bench, I don’t think I’ve seen a witness more thoroughly discredited.” Kandi was ready to marry Rob when they reconciled. Rob served 30 years for second-degree murder.

Where is Kandi hall now in 2022?

Two months after the deadly shooting in March 2011, Boise, Idaho, police arrested Kandi Hall on charges of embezzling $32,000 from her former boss, a Boise-based attorney who is not named Emmet.

Despite Kandi’s guilty plea and possible 14-year jail term for grand theft, she was released in June 2014 after completing a rider program. She will remain on probation until the year 2026 at the earliest.

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Who Killed Emmett Corrigan?

The investigators discovered that Emmett Corrigan’s personal life was rocky. After launching his practice in late 2010, Emmett employed 40-year-old paralegal Kandi Hall. Coworkers said they had an affair. Emmett met Kandi in the pharmacy on the incident night. She married Robert Hall and had two children. Kandi was the lone witness to the parking lot gunshot, which injured Robert.

On March 11, Emmett and Kandi met at the pharmacy and got into his truck. She said they drove, went to a gas station, and had sex in the car. Rob called Kandi when his daughter saw her mother’s car parked at the pharmacy. Kandi said Emmett called Rob and had a furious disagreement. Kandi said Emmett was hostile.

After glancing inside the pharmacy, Rob drove down and waited for them. Rob argued with Emmett after Emmett and Kandi arrived after 10 pm. Emmett provoked her husband to fight, she claimed. Kandi heard three gunshots after turning around to get to her car. Rob was hospitalized for head grazes. Arrested for first-degree murder.


Rob’s hands had gunshot residue, but Emmett’s didn’t. Rob’s 2012 trial attorneys claimed self-defense. Rob stated Emmett shoved him and the gun fell out. The prosecution claimed Rob waited for them and shot Emmett before killing himself.
