Michelle Williams was forced to rehash her notorious fall during a Destiny’s Child live performance on Tuesday, Aug. 17, while appearing on “Larry Reid Live.”
The infamous incident occurred in 2005 when the trio was performing its hit single “Soldier” — from the group’s final studio album “Destiny’s Fulfilled” — on “106 & Park.”

In the interview, Williams was initially discussing the topic of music while promoting her book “Checking In: How Getting Real about Depression Saved My Life—and Can Save Yours.” When asked if she plans to return to her solo music career, she expressed that she simply doesn’t want to and feels her purpose or calling is her book alongside other projects that coincide with it. The conversation then transitioned to Destiny’s Child, as Williams boldly claimed at the 1:10:20 mark of the interview that she feels she and her two co-members, Beyoncé and Kelly Rowland, still have more to do.
“The fun we have,” she said. “Oh my gosh, we have a blast. I would have to say it’s because it’s not that I’m so attached to the thought of Destiny’s Child; I haven’t heard the holy spirit say let it go.”
She added when Reid questioned if a reunion is possible, “I’ve heard Him tell me before to let stuff go and I held on to it and heartache ensued. You know, but in this case, I believe that relationship is divine and there’s purpose in our relationship. I believe until that God calls all of us home that we not going nowhere.”
The interview then took a turn for the worst when Reid asked the singer when it is time for her judgment day will she stand on her feet as he made reference to her onstage tumble.
The 42-year-old immediately shouted “You tried it! Haven’t I stayed on my feet…You gonna make me curse!” She jokingly continued, “First of all I need people to stop saying ‘she’s so clumsy.’ I fell one time.You ninjas have to stop! That’s like causing PTSD; that’s probably why I ain’t ‘gon do no music. Y’all gon hear me talk.”
Williams also disclosed it took her “a good 12 or 13 years” to watch the initial video and described the outcome as “bad.” As time went on, the singer began throwing gibes at other co-hosts in the room who recalled that incident. Following that, she pleaded with everyone to give her grace because despite all she has done in life, good or bad, the only thing she can be remembered for is that particular fall. “Give me grace and it’s 16 years old.”
Williams took it upon herself to then list other famous entertainers who too have fallen including Usher, Madonna, her Destiny’s Child bandmates Beyoncé and Kelly Rowland.
Toward the end of the segment she shared the reason why she fell during the performance was because her heel was caught in her pants. Williams said, “my heel got caught. I think I was wearing cargo pants or something and you know the little loopity loop; and baby I put one foot in front of the other. The other foot didn’t retreat back.”
Williams also explained she knew the video went viral when she was tagged in it “every week.” Despite the commotion of the clip she says she’s only seen it one time and will block individuals who bring it to her attention.
As the interview began circulating on social media, many people expressed that Williams will never live this moment in history down.
“Sorry sis you’ll never live it down 😭😭.”
“They won’t let her live almost two decades later.”
“It was such an embarrassing fall nobody can forget 😂.”
“Girl bye you can’t live down 😂😂😂.”
At the same time, others brought up how they enjoyed the singer’s sense of humor regarding the entire situation. One said, “They need to leave her alone 😭😭 at least she has a sense of humor I love her.” Another wrote, “I love her humor about it though 😂😂😂.” A social media user quoted a particular line Williams said in the recording while explaining why they loved her. “I love her!!!❤️ @michellewilliams “You gone make me curse” 😂😂.”