A variety of birds and animals eat the seed pods, including doves, quail, ravens, and bighorn sheep. The seeds, leaves, and bark are attractive to rabbits, coyote, ground squirrels, kangaroo rats, antelope, skunks, and wolves, while deer forage on the twigs and foliage.Click to see full answer. Beside this, do goats eat mesquite trees?While mesquite is not readily consumed by goats, they can help slow its invasion. Mesquite pods are eaten by most classes of wildlife and livestock. In fact, many animals act as vectors for the spread of mesquite seeds across the landscape. Goats can be used as predators of mesquite seeds.Furthermore, are mesquite beans bad for dogs? While mesquite pods are toxic to goats and cattle, they are not reported to be toxic to dogs. If your dog consumes a large amount of pods, she may cause a physical blockage of her intestines which would lead to vomiting and a lack of appetite. Also know, do cows eat mesquite? Mesquite beans primarily affect cattle, although goats have also been affected. Sheep are reportedly resistant. Horses that eat the beans may be susceptible to impaction colic. In some ways, the syndrome produced by a diet of mesquite beans is best considered a nutritional problem.Are mesquite trees poisonous?So the final answer is that no, mesquite trees are not toxic, and no, they are not sex specific as in separate male and female varieties.