The Quad City Fire Hockey will battle Chicago Fire Hockey, renewing a red-hot friendly rivalry for a good cause.

In their 14th annual benefit game, the teams are raising money for the families of Sterling Fire Department Captain Garrett Ramos and retired Downers Grove Fire Department Firefighter/Paramedic Mike Baldwin Captain Ramos died while fighting a fire December 4, leaving behind his wife and two daughters, and Baldwin passed away January 22, leaving behind his wife and four kids.

Hometown heroes the Quad City Fire Hockey take to the ice Saturday, March 26 to battle Chicago Fire Hockey, through a partnership with the Quad City Storm. Game time is 4:00 p.m. at the TaxSlayer Center, located at 1201 River Drive, Moline. Each ticket purchased is for both the Fire hockey game at 4:00 and the Quad City Storm game at 7:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the door or before the game directly from Quad City Storm office at the TaxSlayer Center. Call (309) 277-1318 or email here to get in on the action.