'Schizophrenic' dad shoots dead four-month-old son, wife, 24 and step-daughter a day after her 9th b

A 'schizophrenic' dad who was 'fighting demons in his mind' killed his wife, son and stepdaughter in a horrific murder suicide, a preliminary investigation has found. 

Tyler Young, 29, was found dead, alongside his wife Skylar Young, 24, and her two children, four-month-old Bandin Young and Angel Isaac, 9, on Sunday in their home in Lorain, Ohio

Police were called to the East 9th Street home at around 10am, after receiving reports of loose dogs in the area, and found that all had died from gunshot wounds. 

Investigators found Tyler was killed by a gunshot wound to the head, along with the 9mm firearm they believe was used, leading them to believe the family were victims of a murder-suicide. 

Lorain police lieutenant Jacob Morris said that the force believes the killings took place at some point between 1am and 10am on Sunday, adding that there were no reports of gunshots in the area. 

Tyler Young, 29, (pictured, right) was found dead, alongside his wife Skylar Young, 24, (pictured, centre) and her two children, four-month-old Bandin Young (pictured, bottom) and Angel Isaac, 9, (pictured, right) on Sunday

Tyler Young, 29, (pictured, right) was found dead, alongside his wife Skylar Young, 24, (pictured, centre) and her two children, four-month-old Bandin Young (pictured, bottom) and Angel Isaac, 9, (pictured, right) on Sunday

Police are still investigating the apparent murder-suicide, which is believed to have taken place between 1am and 10am on Monday

Police are still investigating the apparent murder-suicide, which is believed to have taken place between 1am and 10am on Monday 

Tyler's family said he suffered from schizophrenia, and was 'fighting demons in his mind'

Tyler's family said he suffered from schizophrenia, and was 'fighting demons in his mind'

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Tyler, who family members said was schizophrenic and was 'fighting demons in his mind, was arrested on domestic abuse charges earlier this year. 

Police were aware of troubles in the Young home, after Skylar alleged Tyler slapped and choked her while she was 26 weeks pregnant with Bandin. 

But just a month later, she took her statement back, claiming she may have had a flashback to a prior incident. 

The case went ahead, and was presented to a grand jury in Lorain Country, which chose not to indict him.

While Skylar was the biological mother of both Bandin and Angel, Tyler was the biological father of Bandin alone, and the stepfather of Angel. 

Her school, Horizon Science Academy, said in a statement: 'Our hearts are broken for Angel and her family and friends during this sorrowful time and our entire school community is mourning the loss of this bright and vibrant young soul. 

Police were called to the East 9th Street home at around 10am on Monday and found that everyone had died from gunshot wounds

Police were called to the East 9th Street home at around 10am on Monday and found that everyone had died from gunshot wounds

Investigators found Tyler was killed by a gunshot wound to the head, along with the 9mm firearm they believe was used, leading them to believe the family were victims of a murder-suicide

Investigators found Tyler was killed by a gunshot wound to the head, along with the 9mm firearm they believe was used, leading them to believe the family were victims of a murder-suicide

Police were aware of troubles in the Young home, after Skylar alleged Tyler slapped and choked her while she was 26 weeks pregnant with Bandin

Police were aware of troubles in the Young home, after Skylar alleged Tyler slapped and choked her while she was 26 weeks pregnant with Bandin

'Angel was not just a student; she was a cherished member of our school family. Her warmth, kindness, and positive spirit impacted students and staff alike.

'During this challenging time, our primary focus is on providing support to our students and staff who are grieving. 

'Counselors and support staff are available to help students process their emotions, and additional resources will be made available as needed.

'We understand that this news may be difficult to process, and we encourage parents and caregivers to have open conversations with their children and to contact us at Horizon Science Academy of Lorain for assistance.

'Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to Angel’s family during this unimaginably difficult time.'
