Kendall Johnson Boating Accident Video

Kendall Johnson is a 15-year-old girl who was killed in a boating accident.

Kendall and another 16-year-old boy were hit by the boat’s driver as he attempted to return; the other teenager had minor injuries and was taken to a nearby hospital in an ambulance. Johnson and the other kids had just been dropped off by the same boat.

Kendall Johnson is an American softball player who was killed in a boating accident.

She was a sophomore at Parkway West High School, 15 years old.

According to sources, at around 4.15 p.m., she was swimming in a lake with a 16-year-old boy when a boat operated by a 62-year-old man struck the swimmers and subsequently struck a rock bluff. Kendall died on the spot, while the youngster received minor injuries.


Kendall Johnson, a Missouri youngster was killed in a boating accident on Table Rock Lake in the Ozarks on July 10, 2022.

Kendall was swimming in the lake when she was hit by a pontoon boat about 4.15 p.m. local time.

Kendall was declared deceased at the site, while another adolescent was wounded in the crash.

According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 62-year-old boat operator was tested for alcohol, but no charges have been filed as of yet.

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, who identified Kendall as the deceased victim, the boat operator had just dropped off Kendall and six other children when he returned to the area. The boat then struck the two teenagers, who were not wearing life jackets, according to the Post-Dispatch.

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the motorist was given a field sobriety test and agreed to a breathalyzer test, but the results revealed he was under the legal limit of 0.08 percent. He was first arrested but later freed.

The boat driver’s relationship with Kendall has not yet been revealed, and the occurrence has been declared an accident for the time being.

Kendall Johnson’s Parents

Kendall Johnson’s parents are unconfirmed, however we will update the site as soon as we find something about her parents.


Kendall was a student at Parkway West High School in Ballwin, according to school principal John McCabe.

Kendall, according to a GoFundMe campaign set up on her behalf, is “a brilliant adolescent with a large heart and a good spirit.” Donations from the campaign will go to her family to aid with funeral costs.

Kendall was a catcher, first baseman, and outfielder for a St. Louis-based 18-and-under softball club. She also played softball for Parkway West High School, where she was chosen first team all-conference, first team all-district, and first team all-region last year.

A few hundred people remembered 15-year-old Kendall Johnson on the school’s softball field where she once played.

A few hundred people remembered 15-year-old Kendall Johnson on the school’s softball field where she once played.

— KSDK News (@ksdknews) July 14, 2022

Kendall Johnson Boating Accident Video

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