compulsory reporting points. Reporting points that must be reported to ATC (air traffic control). They are designated on aeronautical charts by solid triangles or filed in a flight plan as fixes selected to define direct routes. These points are geographical locations defined by navigation aids or fixes.Click to see full answer. Also, what is a reporting point?Reporting Point is an Aviation Term defined as: A specified geographical location in relation to which the position of an aircraft can be reported (ICAO).Beside above, what is VFR on top clearance? “A VFR-on-top clearance allows a pilot to climb through a cloud layer or some other condition of less than basic Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC). Additionally, the ATC clearance may contain alternate instructions if VFR-on-top is not reached by a specified altitude. People also ask, what minimums must be considered in selecting an altitude when operating with a VFR on top clearance? A) At least 500 feet above the lowest MEA, or appropriate MOCA, and at least 1,000 feet above the existing meteorological condition.What does radar contact mean?Radar contact simply means that they have confirmed your location on the Radar screen. No further message is required from you as a pilot.