Schieble lost her father six months after her mother gave her firstborn child up for adoption. In 1955, she then wed Jandali. Schieble gave birth to their second child, a daughter they called Mona, soon after they were married.
Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali’s friendship suffered after Jandali went back to Syria in search of work. In 1962, Schieble wed George Simpson, a coach of ice skating, after divorcing Jandali.
Abdulfattah Jandali does not observe Islam. Due to his authoritarian father’s opposition to his son pursuing a legal career, he initially intended to study law at “Damascus University,” but changed his mind and chose to attend “The American University of Beirut.”
Jandali preferred a more welcoming environment for his son’s upbringing than his father did. He was unable to see his biological son, though.
Meet Steve Jobs’ biological parents Abdulfattah John Jandali and Joanne Schieble Simpson
Abdulfattah “John” Jandali, Jobs’ real father, was a Muslim from Syria, and his mother, Joanne Carole Schieble, was an American. While attending the University of Wisconsin, they became friends.
After visiting Jandali and his family in Syria, Schieble fell pregnant, but her father banned her from getting married to a Muslim.