Charles Stanley Gifford: Bio, Career,Marriage Life & Kids

Charles Stanley Gifford, also known as “C. Stanley Gifford,” was born in 1898 in Newport, Rhode Island. The offspring of Frederick Gifford and Lizzie Tennant, he was named after both of his parents.

On June 27, 1965, he passed away in Hemet, Riverside County, California, and was laid to rest in the San Jacinto Valley Cemetery in San Jacinto, Riverside County. Stan’s first wife was Lillian Priester; they married on July 26, 1919, in Los Angeles, when they were both 21. After that, they separated.

Let’s get to know more about him;

Who is Charles Stanley Gifford?

He was the father of the most renowned movie icon in the world, Marilyn Monroe, and Marilyn thought this was the case. Was it indeed the case that he was the father of Marilyn Monroe? Or, as stated on her birth certificate, was it her mother, Gladys’ estranged husband, Edward Mortensen?

There have been a lot of emphases placed over the years on the idea that Marilyn did not know who her father was; however, it would appear that this is only partially accurate. Marilyn appeared to have a strong sense of certainty regarding the identity of her biological father and made multiple attempts to get in touch with him.

Charles Stanley Gifford Professional Life

On September 18, 1898, Charles Stanley Gifford made his debut in Rhode Island. Gifford married Lillian Priester on July 26, 1919, three months before he was 21. The couple brought into the world a little boy and a little girl. 

Unfortunately, they divorced in May 1925 after claims of violence, threats, and intimidation, including causing his wife “bodily and physical hurt.” They separated in 1923, but it wasn’t until May 1925 that they were able to seek a divorce.

After his divorce, Gifford relocated to Los Angeles and found employment with Consolidated Film Industries, where he eventually became acquainted with Gladys Baker. 

The couple began dating at the beginning of 1925, although Gladys was already married (although their marriage was estranged). Gladys became pregnant by the fall of the same year. 

Personal Life

First Marriage life, Gladys

 Gladys was head over heels in love with Gifford and desired nothing more than to start a family with him and their child; however, Gifford did not share this sentiment. Even though neither of Gladys’s families was especially thrilled about the prospect of an illegitimate child, she maintained her optimism that they would be able to raise the child as a unit.

Gladys gave birth to a baby girl on June 1, 1926, and she decided to name her Norma Jeane. The fact that Gifford was not present at the hospital caused Gladys great distress. It is said that when Gifford found out that Gladys had placed Norma Jeane with a foster family, he offered to raise the child independently because he was in a better position financially to support Norma Jeane.

However, this seems unlikely given that Gifford was uninterested in the pregnancy and that he abandoned his other children. If what they say is accurate, Gladys would have flat-out declined, and as a result, Norma Jeane would have continued living with the Blenders.

Charles Stanley Gifford Second Marriage, Mary-Belle

 At the time, Gifford had a dairy farm in Hemet, California, around two hours’ drive from the city of Los Angeles. Gifford had tied the knot for the second time, this time with a woman named Mary-Belle. The couple did not have any children together. Throughout the years, Marilyn made numerous attempts to get in touch with Gifford. She was told that Gifford didn’t want anything to do with her each time. Marilyn’s childhood dream of a relationship with her father was dashed.

In 1961, while Gifford was unwell and Marilyn was also hospitalized at the same time, there were rumors that he attempted to get in touch with Marilyn. It is stated that after Gifford rejected Marilyn so many times, Marilyn refused to acknowledge him and told him it was too late to try again.

How does he serve to be a father of his girl, Marilyn Monroe?

Marilyn Monroe’s claimed biological father. After Lillian Priester filed for divorce from Charles Stanley Gifford, he started working with Gladys Monroe Baker at Consolidated Films. Lillian claimed in her divorce petition that Gifford had a drug problem, abused her, and hung out with “poor character” women.

In the early spring, Gifford, a hypershooter and developer at Consolidated, had an affair with Gladys.

There is speculation that Gifford left her on Christmas Eve 1925 after she told him she was pregnant. Marilyn has been under the impression that Gifford is her father her entire life. He eventually made his home in Gilman Hot Springs, in the county of Riverside, California.

Stan relocated to neighboring San Jacinto, where he opened and successfully ran the Red Rock Dairy in the ’60s, complete with a drive-through window, so customers didn’t have to leave their cars.

 Employees claimed that on occasion, while riding in her chauffeur-driven vehicle to Palm Springs, California, Marilyn would do just that, compelling the unbeliever father to fulfill her command.

Charles Stanley Gifford Age

He was 67 years old when he died ( 1868-1965).


H had 3 children from his first marriage with Gladys Pearl Monroe.

Final Verdict

He had a name in the industry now his kids are working in Hollywood and making him proud. He died in 1965.

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