Jaime Hjelm From Tex Mex Motors: Heres All We Know About Her

For classic car fans worldwide, Netflix’s ‘Tex Mex Motors‘ is a must-watch, as the reality show follows six automobile restoration experts working together to bring their latest venture into the world of profit. In the series, the teams scouts and brings cars from Mexico at a cheaper rate and transforms them into covetable gems for car collectors. One of the show’s most knowledgeable and noteworthy cast members is Jaime Hjelm, who works long hours to ensure the car’s inner workings provide drivers with the best possible functionalities. If her work has attracted your attention and you are eager to learn more about her, here is everything we know about the same!

Father’s Influence: Jaime’s Passion for Cars

Born to Frank Hjelm Sr in or around 1979, Jaime grew up surrounded by cars, given the start of A#1 Cab Co, a cab business established by her father and his wife Karen Hjelm in 1985. As a young girl, she would follow her father around as he worked with various cars, learning a lot about cars from second-hand experience. Jaime’s father mostly worked on body and frame, but he taught her how to paint cars when she was only 13.

Upon turning 17, Jaime was asked by her father to build a 700R4 transmission using a manual, a task she succeeded in with flying colors. Having been working on cars for more than 25 years, the wealth of knowledge that the Netflix star has is frankly enviable. She grew up in South Elgin, Illinois, alongside her sister Naomi Hjelm and brother Frank Hjelm Jr. When Jaime was just 21, she had gained fame for building her own lowrider by transforming a 1962 Pontiac Bonneville 2, which was featured in many magazines and newspapers and won her many accolades. Unfortunately, Frank Sr passed away on May 3, 2018, passing his automobile legacy to his children.

Jaime Hjelm’s Profession

Even before her father’s passing, Jaime and Naomi had taken over the functioning of A#1 Cab Co. However, Frank Sr, a car mechanic, was not a part of the business. “Dad sat us down in January and said, “Bring your brother back and let’s do outside work. We have a huge facility for working on cars”,” Jaime Hjelm shared with Chicago Tribune. Following their father’s last wishes, the three siblings joined hands to open Wicked Wrench Co on June 18, 2018, after the local village issued them a special use permit to use the shop area of their company for the venture.

That said, the workings of A#1 Cab Co have seemingly remained the same as it continues to serve 70 different municipalities. Noticeably, Wicked Wrench Co is not only meant to offer maintenance services at affordable rates. Jaime has shared her understanding of how customers are often overcharged for maintenance or repair work on their vehicles, and it is not a practice she and her company are willing to indulge in.

Furthermore, the company offers classes to educate others about basic car maintenance, like changing the oil, and to make people aware of the base costs of commonly availed services. Over the years, Jaime has made multiple appearances on television apart from ‘Tex Mex Motors.’ This includes her 2018 appearance in ABC’s ‘Women Who Rock’ and her participation in ‘Bitchin Boot Camp’ a 2020 MotorTrend competition series.

Jaime Hjelm is Likely Not Dating Anyone

As of writing, it does not seem like Jaime is dating anyone. The electrical automobile expert looks quite content with furthering her career in the world of cars and is known for her work ethic. Nevertheless, she is not someone who does not understand her own limits and is always willing to voice her opinion when she thinks that things might be getting a bit extreme, no matter how much she loves cars.

Jaime’s practical sense is one of the main reasons that the group of six in the Netflix series starts to look at their dream venture in a more realistic light and try to make it worth their time and not just a fulfillment of their wildest dreams. We wish her and her loved ones the best and hope their successes continue to grow.
