Matt Roloff revealed details of his former relationship with Amy Roloff that disclosed some reasons for their separation.
Matt and Amy have been divorced since 2016 after almost 30 years of marriage. In the current season of “Little People, Big World” the two exes are finally opening up about what went wrong with their relationship.
According to InTouch Weekly, Matt opened up about how his compatibility with his current girlfriend, Caryn Chandler, is so much different than it was with Amy. He has always been a workaholic and that distanced his relationship with his family in the past.
He applauded Caryn for being able to put balance in his life. As explained by the father-of-four, he and Amy realized they had nothing in common after their kids have grown and left home.
On the other hand, Amy’s new boyfriend, Chris Marek, had brought out her adventurous side, something that she never had with her ex-husband. Chris and Amy are having such a good time that they even went skydiving on their first year anniversary.
Amy opened up about how she never got to show off her wild side during her 27-year marriage to Matt. Now she feels free and excited and has since moved on. She is madly in love with her new beau and everyone can see that.
However, Matt is also better now with his new companion. He told how his passion got in the way of his personal life over many years, and that sometimes it became a detriment to the people around him. But Caryn knows how to put him back in balance.
The ex-couple have put a big effort on making things work out between them for the sake of the family, but neither Matt nor Amy were prepared for how difficult their first holiday as exes would be.
It’s been hard, especially since it meant their four children had to divide their time between the parents, meaning one of them could end up alone on what should be an occasion spent with family. But one has to give up some things to obtain others.