When Kelly Rowland was declared dead, she was 27 years old. While on the Asian leg of the tour, the singer for The Destiny’s Child was murdered in a car accident. News outlets all throughout the country paid respect to a woman whose records have sold more than 200 million copies globally. According to Kelly, “the day I was pronounced dead was one of the saddest of my whole life.” Only sympathy will do.
She bursts into an East London studio today full of life wearing a striking golden dress to grace the bonnet of a $170,000 Cadillac for our cover. But the thought of her untimely passing still makes her feel deflated. Kelly Rowland: “My so-called death” scared me. You are unable to predict how others will respond to that. My mother was inconsolable. “My PA alerted me to a report when I was in flight to Singapore. something had appeared on the internet and said that I had been murdered. The story appeared out of thin air, and it was beyond weird.” A terrorist bombing campaign in Jakarta had earlier that day forced the cancellation of Kelly’s performance there. There was a rumor that she had fallen victim to the attacks herself while she was leaving the devastated city. Rowland is alleged to have been killed instantly in a head-on accident that occurred as a result of panic triggered by a nearby explosion among fleeing locals.Thanks for reading from Ghsplash a news publishing website from Ghana. Share this article, For spelling mistakes and other related issues contact us