the first time i heard this i thought that it was about his girlfriend/wife/lover dying and him tryin 2 get over it: the warmth i feel beside me is slowly fading/ your tears don't fall they crash around me - he feels her pain and every time she cries about it her tears drown him. However then i listened to the rest of the song and it didn't really make as much sense (that's still a possible meaning although not the one i think is correct).
c'mon peeps, i dont think its about him cheating, but just generally about him feeling all the bad things he's done and hating himself for it when he knows he's corrupting her innocence and she's too good for him (his girlfriend).
With blood shot eyes, I watch you sleeping - blood shot from crying or sleeplessness, because of his guilt
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading - either her attraction for him (the warmth he feels around her) is going because he is drawing away from her coz he thinks he's 2 bad for her or the 'goodness of her spirit' (excuse for sounding corny) is goin coz he's corrupting her.
Would she hear me, if I called her name? - im not really sure about this bit, it might just be put in to rhyme and sound cool, but i think it might be to symbolize how cut off he's feeling
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame? - obviously, if she knew all the terrible things he'd done would she still love him and comfort him.
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me - i still think that this means her tears hurt him, but also that her tears are of resentment and she feels betrayed by him so when she cries they 'crash' onto him, hitting him and hurting him so he drowns in her loathing of him and sees it as 'a just punishment'
Her conscience calls, the guilty to come home - her goodness and conscience make siners (him) want to confess to her so that she'll forgive them
it all sort of continues the same way...i'll let you work out the rest.
oh and btw, i don't think the line "there's always someone fucking hanging on" means people are clinging to him for help, i think it means there's always someone holding on to 'stuff' and not letting go (as in not moving on from bad times and dwelling in stuff)
and "the path I walk's in the wrong direction" is obviously he keeps making mistakes and choosing the evil road, but I think he might also be looking back and mean specifically that he had a chance to be good and start afresh with a good, beautiful girl and instead he feels that he has ruined her 'innocence'