Public Dungeon Name: The Underweave
Public Dungeon Bosses:
The fate lines flex and fray around the nexus of potential called the Underweave. A locus of might-have-beens and never-will-bes, the faithful of Hermaeus Mora dutifully uncatalog and dispose of glyphics that transcend the paths not taken. - Cipher Pujol
Castoff Destinies Quest - Help Ogle
The Fateweaver Key Quest - Help Azandar
Skyshard: 1
Zone: Apocrypha
Public Dungeons are larger, harder, open world dungeons for groups or cooperative players, includes own quest lines, a Skyshard and a few Bosses. Accessible to everyone. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.