Most killies are small fish, from one to two inches (2.5 to 5 cm), with the largest species growing to just under six inches (15 cm). The word killifish is of uncertain origin, but is likely to have come from the Dutch kil for a kill (small stream).Click to see full answer. Similarly, it is asked, are killifish aggressive? Killifish Behavior and Compatibility Most Killifish are peaceful and get along well in community tanks; however the males can be aggressive towards each other. Alternatively, you can just have one male Killifish in each aquarium, and avoid keeping any similar looking male species.Subsequently, question is, do killifish eat other fish? They will not eat or bother plants, but they are fairly voracious predators of dwarf shrimp and even small fish such as microrasboras and very small danios or tetras. As with most predatory fish, the Golden Wonder Killifish will eat any animal that will fit in its mouth. People also ask, how long do killifish live for? 2 to 5 years What fish can live with killifish?Most species of killifish are of a peaceful nature and can be kept in a community tank with fish like tetras and rasboras.